Moms Cats & Kids

Dedicated to  the wellbeing of special needs cat families- including humans!

 We are community of devoted moms of humans, cats, dogs, bunnies, birds- just about everything. And no matter how challenging life becomes, we are committed to keeping our families together and in the best health possible.

Supporting special needs cat families through an holistic approach to wellness

When your loved ones are facing a health crisis- from initial kitten FIP diagnosis to adult late stage kidney failure, we have your back. Through 20 years of special needs cat care, we are here to support you and provide actionable solutions to your little ones' most pressing health concerns.

Our household is a full one-goats, chickens, ducks, bunnies, birds, and of course- cats and kids! So we truly feel your your joys, pains, and frustrations. No one wants your family health more than you do, and we are here to help. We hope you will invite us to join you and your family on your personal journey towards wellness.

Our New Cat Illness E-book is Here!

Stay With Me- An holistic survival guide for cat families facing Feline Coronavirus (FIP), Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), Feline Calicivirus (FCV) and More

Wondering if there is any hope for your sick cat? Confused about all the possible expensive medical interventions and are seeking a different path for you and your cat? Let our 20+ years of experience in animal rescue and nutrition help you navigate through these murky waters and get direct suggestions to start helping you and your little one immediately.

Learn more
two brown and white dogs running dirt road during daytime

FIP, FeLV, FIV, FCV Beautiful

Here are a few of our 13 survivors, with the latest addition kittens coming soon!


Devoted mother and survivor

Swiper Dragon

Fighting FIP, FeLV and chronic URI's. Still going strong in spite of the impossible odds!

Oscar and Boomer- loving FeLV/FIP+ brothers

Three years old and counting

Little Lulu Lady- FIP/FCV/FeLV beautiful

Fiesty younger sister who is fighting incredible odds and refuses to give up

Tiger Lady- FCV/FIP/FeLV beautiful

Struggling to survive, this girl is still incredibly sweet and loving to everyone


Snuggle cats of all snuggle cats, the best cat brother alive


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